Thursday, February 24, 2011

White Fields

Greetings z Polski!!
As you can see, the fields are indeed "white" in Poland! :) This picture was taken in the small village of Pawełki where we gathered this past weekend with the students and staff of our Christian School of Music. In the background you can see a large yellow building -- this is where the school meets each month. During a break in lessons, we ventured out in the cold (less than 10 degrees F.) for a brisk walk along the country road. Wish you could feel the cold air on your face, hear the church bells chiming, and smell the cow "pies" along with us!! :) As I write, we are warm and cozy in our small "office/bedroom" downtown Warsaw -- quite a contrast to Pawełki! Daily we take the bus to the city center for Polish language classes. David attending for the first time and me in an intensive one-on-one with my teacher ... we are both being challenged and stretched! We're learning a lot and developing new relationships t'boot! Almost daily we're meeting new people that God has purposefully introduced and we are amazed at His precise orchestration. Don't worry ... the stories will be forthcoming! :)
Joining God in His work is a continual adventure -- and we are thankful and excited to be a part of His unfolding plan.

Friday, February 11, 2011


It's been a cold and snowy January/February, but that hasn't slowed us down! :) We traveled twice to Indiana to meet with Taylor University's Poland spring break team, as well as to Brownstown, IN, to meet with a work team coming to Ostróda in April, and then on to Toronto to meet with our Impact Europe staff. Here in Michigan we've been busy studying and writing lessons, sending prayer emails, preparing tax forms, corresponding with teams and individuals with whom we will be serving in Poland this spring and summer, and taking care of endless details prior to going overseas. Yes ... the countdown has begun and soon we'll be in Poland!

Here's a look at our upcoming schedule:
... 4-week intensive language course in Warsaw
... teaching at the Christian School of Music (CSM)
... worshiping with churches in Torun, Olsztyn, Grudziądz, Ostróda, Warsaw
... attending a prayer summit in Brussels, Belgium
... hosting a team of 15 students and 2 adults from Taylor University (teaching English at Graceland Centrum in Kraków)
... coordinating a work project at Ostróda Camp with volunteers from Indiana and Michigan
... countless opportunities to encourage and pray with various groups and individuals

It's a full schedule and only possible through the strength that God provides. Thank you for your prayers ... they are invaluable to us. When you have a chance, shoot us an email. It's always encouraging to hear from home!! :) Blessings to all!!!