Thursday, December 17, 2009


As we celebrate the amazing truth that Jesus is the very Word of God made flesh, we commit ourselves afresh to live only for Him. The One who spoke the world into existence is the same One who speaks life into our spirits. We are forever thankful that He has called us and written our names in His book of life. Jesus, the Messiah, is our hope, our peace, and our very life.

We are SO thankful for each of you who pray for us and encourage us as together we proclaim our Beloved to the nations. We pray that you will have a very blessed Christmas, filled with special moments and simple delights. May you experience anew the wonders of His love.

Merry Christmas!!
...David, Sandy, Kezia, Josiah, and Kenan

Monday, September 7, 2009

Back Home

I've been home a little over a week now ... but it didn't really hit home until today (Labor Day) when I sunk my teeth into a juicy ear of corn-on-the-cob. Yes, we see corn from time-to-time in Poland (e.g., as a topping on our pizza!), but never as corn-on-the-cob. So, although the transition back to life in the States is sometimes difficult, I must admit that the corn today tasted mighty good!! :)

As you know, Dave and I were separated for 12 weeks during the summer as he spent 6 weeks in Poland, we enjoyed one week of "overlap" in Poland together, and then I finished out the summer in Poland for the final 6 weeks. It wasn't easy, but we both came away with thankful hearts and glowing reports on the goodness and faithfulness of God.

During my time in Poland, I was able to serve at the Polish children's camp in Ostroda, the Polish family camp, as well as the Missio Musica summer workshops for musicians and worship leaders. The music camp is always a highlight for me, since I love to teach and mentor these young worship leaders. We finished the camp by performing two gospel concerts -- one in Ostroda and one in Barczewo, a small town where a new church is being planted. What joy we experienced as we declared the praises of God in the town square!

This summer's trip, more than ever before, provided opportunities for me to interact with several unbelieving individuals -- people I met on planes, in apartments, on the street, etc. I was amazed at the number of encounters God arranged. I was stretched in my faith and had to rely completely on the Spirit of God to help me articulate the hope that is within me. I traveled quite a bit, meeting many new people and engaging more and more in Polish culture. It's strange, but Poland is beginning to feel like "home" ... as though we live there. We are in relationship with so many people and are becoming more deeply involved in ongoing ministry. We thank God for the way He is opening doors and leading the way.

So now we're both home together and getting reacquainted. :) We sat down and looked at our calendars and realized life and ministry are ongoing!! Just because we're on this side of the ocean doesn't mean ministry stops. Au-contraire!! Besides all the GMM meetings, traveling to raise support, speaking at women's meetings, leading Bible studies, writing newsletter articles, etc., etc., we are also in daily communication with our friends and co-workers overseas. Our work of encouraging, pastoring, building bridges, providing resources, teaching, etc., continues and even increases. Our days are full.

For a few hours of non-stop excitement :), please click on the following links. You'll find photo albums of my trip to southern Poland, the music camp, plus a collection of some of my favorite "snapshots of Poland."

It is SUCH a blessing for us to come home to a group of people who love us, care about us, and are genuinely concerned for our spiritual welfare. It is a huge encouragement to be in relationship with people like you -- people who cry out for the kingdom of God to break into our world. We thank you for your prayers. May we continue to spur one another on as we see the Day approaching (Heb. 10:25).


Monday, May 25, 2009

2009 May/June

Partners in Prayer,

Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer and intercession. As we return to Poland with interns and short term teams to minister the gospel with our partners in ministry there we ask for your prayer cover to continue and even increase. Our desire is for II Corinthians 4:6 to be the reality for our summer in Poland. It says “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” Later, in his letter to the Philippians, Paul says that believers in Jesus will “shine like stars” in a “crooked and depraved generation” as the “Word of God” is proclaimed. Please pray that the light of Christ will overcome the darkness of the evil one and that it will happen through His people. What a great privilege and opportunity we have to be His lights, revealing His truth to the lost, hurting and dying.

*Please pray for the first three camps in Ostroda.

*Pray for the campers who are believers who have invited their unbelieving friends.

*Pray for the salvation of every soul and an acceptance of Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

*Pray for commitments to be made in faith and baptism.

*Pray as the Holy Spirit leads you.

Date of camp Focus of Camp Short Term Team

May 31-June 10, 2009 Seniors Camp Rockville, IN and Champaign, IL

June 13-22, 2009 Children’s camp for 8-14 year olds Coleraine, Ireland and Michigan

June 27-July 7 English camp for 14-22 year olds ) Mystic, CT

*Pray for traveling mercies in planes, on trains, cars, buses, trams, etc.

*Pray for timely preaching and teaching in these camps and local churches.

Date Church and Pastor

May 31 Ostroda Church (Pavel)

June 7 Kolobrzeg Church (Piotr)

June 14 Olsztyn Church (Marcin)

June 21 Grudziadz Church (Andrzej)

June 28 Gydnia Church (Richard)

Check out the attachments for more prayer needs. Pray for the success of the work project (new bathroom in Cabin #1 in Pic 114). Pray for campers to have open hearts for the things of God (like Christina did last year in Pic 134).

Thanks again for praying for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in all that is done. May God be exalted and glorified.

Z Bogiem,

David and Sandy

Tour of Illinois and Indiana May '09

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Sandy and I wanted to communicate with you in regards to the funds raised for the children’s camp. Kazik Barzcuk and George Bajenski just returned from Kaliningrad. They have also been in communication with congregations in Minsk and Pinsk and Breast, Belarus. With the funds that have been raised and given for the purpose of the Camp Ostroda outreach ministry (which includes this children’s camp and the adult camp that precedes it) a decision was made today to invite 60 children and counselors to the children’s camp at Ostroda from June 13-22, 2009. WOW, God is a mighty Provider. Of these 60 or more participants 50-55 of them will be children between the ages of 8 and 14. We are praising the Lord for His provision. Thank you for your prayers. (The total amount anticipated includes some promised pledges that have not been received in the home office but are expected in the next couple of weeks.) Please continue to pray for the full amount to be received in a timely fashion.

We are also asking for unity among those who will be in leadership of this camp with these children. There will be campers, counselors, faculty and translators from Kaliningrad, Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Ireland, Illinois and Michigan.

May God’s lovingkindness and truth be poured out on all who gather.

May every person submit to others out of reverence for Yeshua.

May all have ears to hear and eyes to see what the Lord is doing in our midst.

May our great God be praised and honor and blessed because of all we do in this camp.

Please pray II Corinthians 4:4-7 over all of us. (see last year’s pic attached)

We belong to God for Eternity,

Dave and Sandy

P. S. Please find attached our traveling schedule over the next few days. Please pray that we will find all of the churches and be on time for our gatherings, have energy to share with each Mission’s team, Sunday School class, small group, pastoral staff, etc., and present a wholistic view of the work that God has us doing in Central and Eastern Europe for His kingdom.

Date City/Church Meeting Forum Overnight

May 7th Rockville CC Mission’s Team/STW Dad and Mom

Highway 36 West 6:00 PM

Rockville, IN 47872

(765) 569-3563

May 8th Terre Haute, IN/Harvest Prayer Ministries

10 am – noon Prayer/Worship

Noon Lunch with Marvin Adams

Maryland Community

4700 South State Road 46

Terre Haute, IN 47802

(812) 234-7100

College Park CC 8:00 p.m. Mission’s Team, Brent Salm

116 North Cottage

Normal, lllinois 61761

(309) 452-9536 Sue’s

May 9th Quincy, IL/Madison Park 7:00 PM Mission’s Team Brent Roe’s

May 10th MPCC Sunday School classes Sue’s

4700 Broadway 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.

Quincy, IL 62301

(217) 228-3220

May 11th Lincoln Christian College 8:00 a.m. STW in Mission’s dept office

Jefferson Street CC

1700 North Jefferson 10:00 a.m. Global Team members

Lincoln, IL 62656 11:00 a.m. Core JSCC Ministerial Staff

(217) 732-9294 Noon – 2 pm David and Meghan Mauhar

Creve Coeur, IL/CCC John Plunkett (309) 696-1500 (cell)

101 S. Thorncrest 5:00 pm for supper

Creve Coeur, IL 61610 Mission’s Team

(309) 699-8421 6:00 pm

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ready to Give a Reason (I Pet. 3:15)

God is so good. He gives opportunity for service and then supplies times of refreshment. Dave and I are thankful that we have these few weeks to actually be together (!) in Michigan before the summer arrives. As you can see, our schedule even now is full, but at least there are moments to take a walk, go biking, sit and talk, and enjoy watching Kenan play soccer.

My time in Poland in March/April was very good. He continues to "wed" us more and more to the Polish culture and our love for the people deepens daily. If you would like to see some photos of my time in Poland, as well as my brief excursion in Amsterdam, please click on the following Facebook links:

Thank you for your prayers. We are praying that all of us, in whatever situation of life God now has us, will live lives of gratitude -- always ready to share the hope that is in us (I Pet. 3:15). It is truly amazing and I'm forever grateful that He has "rescued me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom I have redemption and the forgiveness of sins" (Col. 1:13-14). Hallelujah!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Rest of April and May-August Schedule

The rest of April and May will be filled with emails, skype calls, phone calls, etc. with important contacts in North America as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. Thank you for your daily prayers as we serve our awesome God wherever we are.

April 19 Brighton Assembly of God, Brighton, Michigan
April 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28 and May 2 Vardar State Cup and MRL games with Kenan

May 3 Brighton Christian Church, Brighton, Michigan
May 7 Rockville Christian , Rockville, Indiana
May 8 Harvest Prayer Ministries, Terre Haute, Indiana
Maryland Community Church, Terre Haute, Indiana
May 9 College Park Christian , Normal, Illinois
May 10 Madison Park Christian, Quincy, Illinois
May 11 Jefferson Street Christian, Lincoln, Illinois
Creve Coeur Christian , Creve Coeur, Illinois

May 27 David's Departure Day with Lincoln Christian College interns to Poland

May 31-June 10 Seniors Camp with STW from Indiana/Illinois Ostroda, Poland
June 6-7 Christian Church, Kolobrzeg, Poland

June 13-22 Camp for Russian children with STW from Ireland/Michigan Ostroda, Poland
June 22-26 Polish Christian Convention in Zakosciele, Poland
June 28-July 7 English/Sports Camp for Polish children , Ostroda, Poland

July 8 Sandy will join David in Poland
July 10-11 Auchswitz-Berkinau Death camps
July 12 Christian Church, Dabrowa, Poland
July 13-14 Krakow, Poland
July 15 David returns to Michigan, Sandy stays on in Poland

July 27-August 6 Family Camp , Ostroda, Poland
August 14-23 Missio Musica music/worship leaders conference, Ostroda, Poland
August 27 Sandy returns to Michigan

Jerusalem now Poland

David and I are thanking God for a wonderful and significant time in Israel last week.

We spent the first few days staying at a monastery in a Muslim town, Abu Ghosh, outside of Jerusalem. Just down the road is Yad Shmona, where Revive Israel has their offices and discipleship center. Revive Israel is a ministry in Israel which Brighton Christian Church supports and with whom we have been in relationship for almost ten years. Asher Intrater, a Jewish evangelist/teacher, is the director of Revive Israel and on Monday and Tuesday we had the opportunity to meet with him and a group of pastors and their wives from Poland. We were learning about the role of Israel and what significance this has for the Church worldwide and in Poland. It was a very special time of prayer, worship, and seeking God’s purposes.

On Wednesday and Thursday we stayed in a guesthouse right inside the Old City walls. We walked atop the walls (“on the ramparts”) from the Jaffa Gate to the Lion’s Gate, praying over the city of Jerusalem. We climbed the Mount of Olives and read from Zechariah 14 about Jesus’ return to this very spot. Come and reign, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday evening we had dinner with a Jewish man whom I met in language school in Poland last summer. He and his wife are orthodox Jews, and we are thankful that we can build relationship with them. We pray that the light of Yeshua (Jesus) will shine through us into their lives.

Being in the Old City was an amazing experience. We were in Israel 10 years ago, but we were touring with a large group and had little time in Jerusalem. This time we were on our own and were able to explore the “real” Jerusalem. We walked the streets, met the people, prayed at the Wall, … At noon on Friday we found ourselves swept up in a river of Muslims pouring down the narrow streets headed for the Dome of the Rock. It was an experience we will never forget as we were engulfed in 1,000’s of Muslims heeding the call from the minnerets. A couple hours later, the Christian “stations of the cross” processional took place on that very same road (the Via Dolorosa). It is incredible that these three major religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) exist in such close proximity. We pray that God will reveal Himself in truth and that all men will call on the name of Yeshua, the true Messiah.

On Friday we joined Asher at his congregation in Jerusalem. The place was packed with people, and we so enjoyed being among them at this “Hebrew-language-only” service. Saturday was a true day of “Shabbat,” and we enjoyed hiking in the forests and reading and praying over the Land. Sunday was our last day and we spent several hours at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem. We were overcome with emotion several times, especially since the names and places have become so familiar to us as we work in Central and Eastern Europe.

Dave and I parted in the Ben Gurion airport in the wee hours of the morning on Monday. I am now in Poland for five weeks, while Dave is managing our ministry from our home in Michigan. Currently I am in southwest Poland at a recording studio for Christian musicians. Tomorrow (Saturday) I will teach on leading worship from the keyboard. On Sunday I will be teaching at a church in Olesno, Poland, next to Katowice to spend time with university students, and then later this week I will travel to Ola’s home to have time with her before her surgery on March 30. David will be traveling to churches and meetings throughout the month of March, especially in regards to upcoming short-term trips which we are coordinating.

We treasure each of you and thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we are on this journey. As I sit in my room watching the snow fall on this grey day in a village in southern Poland, it is good to know that I am not alone. God is with me in strength, and I know that there are a host of praying friends and family back home remembering us before the throne. It means a lot. Thank you.

To see 60 pictures of our trip to Israel, click on this link.

Each picture has a caption, so make sure to read and follow along.

Blessings to all!


2009 Camper Support letter

The primary mission of Global Missionary Ministries is to proclaim Christ’s unchanging message of salvation to the people of a changing post-communist Central and Eastern Europe.

March 31, 2009

Dear Friends in Mission,

Ten year old Nikita was shy and reluctant to participate in any competitive games or activities. He was also deaf in one ear. His grandmother had traveled with him from Kaliningrad, Russia to Ostroda, Poland so that he could attend a Bible camp. I found out later that he loved music and had played the violin since he was five. He came to camp without a relationship with Jesus.

On the first night of camp we gave the children a name tag with their name written on it in both Russian and English. This helps them to identify it if they do not speak English and it helps the English-speaking counselors begin to know the youth’s names at least in English.

Nikita had lost his name tag but I had found it. My only problem was he had not had his name written down on his name tag in English. I was trying to pronounce his name with my limited knowledge of the Russian characters. I got the N, the K and the T right but my vowels were a little shaky. He recognized his name tag and came to me to receive it. He thanked me with the only two English words he knew and my name, “Thank you, David.” We became friends for the duration of camp.

Through the course of the camp, Nikita attended all the Bible classes but not all the outdoor recreational activities. He did find his way to the “Main Event” each evening where he enjoyed the music and the large group games. On the final day, at the conclusion of the last Bible class, Nikita made a first time decision to give his life over to God and His purposes. He went home to Kaliningrad with his grandmother a believer in Jesus.

Nikita came to camp because someone covered his expenses. Otherwise, he would not have been able to attend. He found salvation through Jesus at Camp Ostroda. We are praying for 40 more youth to be able to find their way to Camp Ostroda this summer. The cost of camp for 2009 will be $150 for ten days in Ostroda. Remarkably, this is less expensive than it was last summer.

Would you be willing to assist one youth in attending camp in Ostroda, Poland? Your gift is tax deductible. Just follow the instructions below and place your tax deductible gift in an envelope addressed to Global Missionary Ministries (see address below). If you are able to do so, we would like to follow up by sending you a picture of one of the campers (after the camp has taken place) so that you can pray for them over the next year. The camp takes place June 13-22, 2009. Your prayers during this time would also be cherished. (Colossians 4:2)

God has opened a door for His Word to go forth. We are preparing to walk through that door. Thank you for helping us to accomplish His purposes.

David Hatfield, Global Missionary Ministries

P. S. Please mail your tax deductible gift to:

Global Missionary Ministries

P.O. Box 41201, RPO Rockwood Mall

Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5C9

Canada (this will require a 72 cent stamp)

Yes, I want to assist one youth to attend Bible Camp in Camp Ostroda.

 I would like to assist ______ (number of youth) youth to attend Camp Ostroda.

One for $150,

Two for $300

Three for $450

Ten for $1500

My tax-deductible check is enclosed in my envelope in the amount of $______.

Made payable to: Global Missionary Ministries with Camp Fund on memo line

Full Name _________________________

Address _________________________

City, State, Area Code_________________________

Email address __________________________ (needed if you want a picture of camper)