Monday, September 3, 2007

What an Amazing Summer '07 (part IV)

This summer Kezia and I spent over a week together at two different camps in Ukraine with Oksana. She was our translator last year and again this year. She returned to Zhitomir with Kezia. She shared with us her testimony and we requested that she write it down so that we could share it with you. She is a committed believer to exudes God's grace and mercy through her smile and her life. Please enjoy her testimony of coming to faith and walking daily with God.

Oksana's testimony

“…How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!”

(Romans 11:33)

I live in a small village in Ukraine called Stryzhivka. This is where I took my first steps, said my first word, and tasted life in all its beauty and danger. When I was small, I was not deprived of parental love. My elder brother and I always had all that we needed. I thought that my family was perfect. Only later when I became older I understood that I was entirely wrong.

Since my birth my parents quarreled with each other. My father preferred alcohol in pubs to family dinners and dating other women to his wife’s love. When I was 13, he left us. The sufferings that my mother faced were unbelievable. All this caused a depression in my life. I could not understand why it happened to my family. Additionally, I did not have real friends with whom I could speak about this or simply cry. Only my brother tried to cheer me up.

A few years later he got married and his wife became like a sister to me. They began to visit a Protestant church. It was unexpected. I had heard about such churches but was against them. I considered myself to be an orthodox like my mother. That is why everything was very confusing, but I was curious to find out the truth for myself. When my brother invited me to the church, I agreed without any hesitation. I continued visiting because I wanted to know the answers to all my questions. These were my first steps to God. Later, I accepted Jesus as my Savior and began a new life.

I told my mother everything. At first she had no objections to me visiting the church, but then she realized that I was serious. She forbade me even to speak about going to the church or the small group. My mother was afraid of what people would say about her and her children. While she could not forbid my brother to do such things, she considered me too young to understand what I was doing. I was 16 and obeyed her. It was very difficult for me to live without communication with believers. My brother’s family was my only support.

One year later I entered the university in Ostroh and went to live there. I found a church and started visiting it. Of course, I told my mother about it. It seemed she was not against my attending. Every time I came home, we prayed before the meal and sometimes read the Bible together. When I grew up spiritually, I made a decision to be baptized. This began a new period of problems in my life. My mother begged me not to do this “sin.”

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand why she opposes this choice that I have made. She should be happy for me. I could be mixed up in something bad, but instead I know God who protects me from troubles. My mother knows that, but does not want to accept it. This hurts me so much because she is very precious to me.

I am not going to give up, especially after so many blessings that God sent to me. He created a new person inside me and absolutely changed my life. Like bright morning sunbeam fills a dark room with light, so did God with me. He became my Father, my Friend, my Lord, my Teacher, my Savior, and my Life!!! I know that He has a special plan for me. Even if I can’t give a meaning to it, I know that everything leads to my growth in God because He intends only the best for His children. I want to serve Him with all my heart, my mind, and my skills! I want to be ready every minute to accomplish His tasks and obey His will.

I’m going to be baptized this winter and believe that nothing will prevent me from this because God is on my side. Everything depends on Him. As for my mother, she knows about my desire and the choice is hers whether or not to agree. All that I can do is to pray for this situation. I am sure that my Lord will never leave me or forsake me! Thank you for listening.

What an Amazing Summer '07 (part II)

Join us in celebrating God’s grace in extending salvation to these seven ladies from Kaliningrad, Russia. Halelujah!!!

Also, pray for safe journey today from Detroit to Warsaw via Chicago for Vickey and Joshua Priest, Marsha Wade and Dave Hatfield.

God’s loving kindness endures forever.

Hi, Dave!

I just wanted to tell you that there have been 7 women altogether who have surrendered to Jesus during this camp. All of them are from Kaliningrad. They are: Mariyah, Ludmila, Ludmila, Vera, Nadiezhda, Lidya, and Olga. We met with them this morning. They will return to Kaliningrad and will be discipled and many are already talking about when they will be baptized. We prayed with them and took their picture, telling them we would pray specifically for them by name ... and that many of our friends and family in America would join us in these prayers. There were tears and joy and it was a special time. The Kaliningrad group has already left ... so now it's just us and the group from Belarus. We will celebrate Shabbat together tonight ... a smaller, more intimate group.

Our prayers are with you today as you travel!!

Love you!


What an Amazing Summer '07 (part I)

Greetings again from Ostroda, Poland.

Yesterday I was asked to teach the morning lesson here at the camp. Paula and I prayed about what I should teach. Last night I stayed up late, preparing a lesson. I decided to teach on Jesus as the Alpha and Omega. I traced him from before the foundations of the earth until that day when He will return and reign in Jerusalem. For 45 minutes I spoke only of Yeshua, as Creator, as appearing in the O.T., as teacher and healer, as the one who died and resurrected, and the one who is coming again. I gave testimony in my own life and finished by saying that it is the most important question we must answer ... who is this Jesus? (I admit I was feeling a bit frazzled since I had such short notice, but God gave me power and the words to declare the truth of Jesus with clarity and passion.) When the lesson was over, many people were standing around talking. Two women came up to me, one holding the arm of the other. They spoke intently to me, in Russian. I asked for George Repetski's help in translation. The woman said, motioning to her friend, "My friend, Mariya, wants to accept Yeshua (Jesus) as her Lord." I was so surprised and so happpy! There had been no formal invitation was just a class setting (with about 60 people)... but the truth had spoken to her heart and she had responded. Many women gathered around her and George R. asked her many questions and she confessed her faith and desire to surrender to Jesus. He led her in a formal confession. We prayed more and there was much weeping. Mariya is from Kaliningrad. There are several unbelievers who have come ... but now there is one less. :)

So .... we are praising God in Ostroda!!!! And I am overwhelmed. It doesn't matter about us .. we are nothing ... but when we speak the truth of Jesus, there is power. When people get a picture of Him, how can they not respond?

May each of us live in such a way as to give a clear picture of our Lord Jesus .. We give glory to You, O Lord!!!!

Keep praying ... He is answering!

Pray with us and pray for us

To the Faithful Who Pray,

Sandy and I are so thankful for you who have been praying for us. We do remember you and our hearts rejoice when we think about your commitment to remember us in your prayers. On the one hand it is quite humbling, yet on the other hand, it is the foundation on which we minister and share the gospel. Pray for the power of God to be released in ways that will glorify Him and advance His kingdom here on earth. Thank you again for praying.

On Monday evening, May 21st we will be gathering at our home on Culver Road from 7:00-9:00 p.m. to pray for our summer camps and conferences, our many travels with short term teams and the new contacts that we will make in church leaders and youth in Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and Czech Republic. You are invited to come even if you cannot come for the entire time. We hope to see and share with many of you on this evening.

Garage Sale Update: Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! There are so many who have contributed to the Garage Sale with their donations and their time. It has been a huge success because of everyone’s effort and contribution. Bill and Vivian Nylund were fantastic hosts. From the set up, the coffee, the Tent, and Bill’s jokes to the tear down it was God honoring and God pleasing (a sweet aroma to His nostrils). The rainiest day (Thursday, April 26th) saw the most “garage salers” out. It was amazing. We even unloaded Dan and Deb Kelbert’s iron gates and cedar posts to a local farmer. They (the farmers) were so excited to find these at a garage sale. God has blessed us with enough funds to cover 25 children (over $3,000). The Barrieault’s (4688 Kenicott in Brighton) will be extending the Garage Sale this Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until noon (May 10-12). You can drop off any thing you would like to contribute to the sale at their home any time this week (preferably by Friday morning).

Our 2007 Summer Itinerary

1) Pray for safe journeys

2) Pray Ephesians 3:14-21; 4:29-5:2 for us and for those we lead

May 24th: Sandy leaves with Paula Styles for Ostroda, Poland

May 27th- June 7th Bible Camp for seniors from Russia, Belarus, and Poland (40 adults

expected) West Cypress Christian, CA,, short term team will assist the first few days

June 8th: Dave leaves with Marsha Wade, Vickey and Joshua Priest for Ostroda, Poland

June 10th: Ostroda Christian Church

June 11-20th Bible Camp for youth from Kaliningrad, Russia (60 campers)

Brighton, MI and Temecula, California, short term team will assist

(June 16th-24th Kenan travels with short term team from Brighton Christian to Costa Rica)

*June 24th-July 6th Dad and Mom Hatfield with Josiah and Kenan in Michigan

June 24th: Pulaska Church in Warsaw; Dave, Sandy, Paula, and George Repetski will be traveling from Warsaw, Poland to Kobryn, Belarus

June 24th- 28th Pearl Camp near Kobryn, Belarus (185 campers expected)
June 29th: Travel from Kobryn to Minsk, Belarus
June 29th: Shabbat with Vladimir Hasin and his congregation
June 30th AM: Leadership Conference at Good News Church (Dema & Lena Lazuta)
Donovan and Lana Grey, Azusa Pacific University professor and wife will team with Sandy and Dave to lead this training.

June 30th PM: Messianic congregation in Minsk

July 1st: Good News Church in Minsk

July 2nd-5th: Visit Timur, Dema, Vlad, and others from Minsk

July 6th: Travel from Minsk, Belarus to Warsaw, Poland (without George Repetski)

July 6th: Kenan leaves from Detroit for Warsaw, Poland (alone)

July 8th: Paula returns home/Attend Warsaw North Church Fellowship, Krzysztof Zaremba

July 9th-19th Bible Camp for Junior age youth from Poland at Ostroda Camp

July 13th: Travel to Koszalin (northwest Poland on the Baltic Sea)

July 14th: Messianic Congregation in Koszalin

July 15th: Kolobrzeg Church with Peter Karol (then return to Ostroda)

July 21st: Kenan returns to Michigan

July 21st-August 15th Dad and Mom Hatfield with Josiah and Kenan in Michigan

July 26th: Travel to Kovel, Ukraine

July 27th and 28th: Leadership Training: Children’s Ministry and Worship Leaders

Pavel’s church and Natasha’s church (both near Kovel)

July 29th: Churches in Kovel, Ukraine

July 30th –August 3rd Camp near Kovel, Ukraine, with youth from Kovel churches

August 4th: Travel from Kovel, Ukraine to Katowice, Poland

August 5th: Church in Wroclaw, Poland

August 9th -13th Prague, Czech Republic

August 12th: Prague Church, Daniel is the pastor

August 14th: Travel from Prague to Warsaw

August 15th: David returns to Michigan

August 16th: Sandy travels from Warsaw to Ostroda (prepares for worship conference)
August 17th-26th: Worship Conference for worship leaders, vocalists and musicians at Ostroda Camp (120 attendees expected). Sandy is one of three main teachers

August 30th: Sandy returns to Michigan

Six camps with teaching responsibilities and leading a short term team (four)

Picture # 1: pray for the children who will come to the camps

Pray for Kazik and Dorota who help to gather many of the children (upper left in pic)

Picture # 2: pray for Vlad and his wife (we will be with them in Belarus)

Picture # 3: pray for T (pastor in Belarus)
Picture # 4: pray for our children (Kezia, Josiah, and Kenan)
We will be separated from them for most of the Summer

We will be able to stay in touch this summer via email for most of the weeks. If you have prayers, Scriptures, questions or answers please feel free to contact us at or

It has been an incredible journey so far. We are anticipating great days ahead for what God has prepared for us to do.

Excited to Serve our King,

Dave and Sandy Hatfield