Last week I (Sandy) began reading Norman Davies’ God’s Playground: A History of Poland. The two volumes include 1250 pages of detailed historical narrative. I am just now finishing the first volume, which means my mind is filled with the names, dates, places, and images from the Poland/Lithuanian Republic before 1795. I’m learning so much and am asking God to show me the significance of various events as they relate to Poland today. Obviously, as we study history it helps us understand the current situation, and hopefully we will learn from the past and enter the future with greater wisdom.
I am also reminded that each day we are making history. And what is my attitude about this? Am I content to simply “let it happen” – whatever that may look like … or do I have a calling from God to be a history maker? Has He placed you and me in this world at this particular time for a specific purpose? Are we not called to live in such a way that makes an impact upon our friends, our families, our communities, our very nation? You may wonder how you, a normal person living a quiet life, can affect the history of nations. It all begins with prayer – there is no limit to what God will do in answer to the humble cry of His children on their knees!
One of my favorite verses is found in Acts 13:36 (NIV):
“Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.”
David was faithful to serve the purpose of God in his own generation. That is my desire! I want to know God’s purpose for this generation and give my life to see it fulfilled! I truly believe that when God’s people in every nation come together to humbly seek His face, He will reveal His heart and His purposes. In answer to our prayers, He will act. And we will stand in grateful amazement as the nations of the earth realize their destinies according to the plan of God.