Happy New Year 2012!!
When the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, I was with 25,000 people in the Kansas City Convention Center as part of the IHOP OneThing conference. How exhilarating to be among 1,000’s of young adults from all over the world with their hands raised to heaven, expressing their love to God! We sang, shouted, clapped, danced, and rejoiced with all our might in His presence. At one point, the concrete floor of the massive auditorium was bouncing up and down under the weight of the crowd as we jumped for joy. What an amazing way to welcome the New Year! Times Square can't compare.
And Who is it that we worship? It is Jesus, the blessed Messiah. His eyes are like fire, his hair white like wool, His voice like thunder; He is the glorious One. He is the King of Israel who will sit on David’s throne forever. He is the Lord of all who ascended to the highest heavens and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father. He is the magnificent One who is worthy of unending praise.
O God, we praise you that you are raising up worship and prayer throughout the nations in preparation for your Son’s return. Would you please cause worship and prayer to arise in even greater measure in the nation of Poland for the glory of your great name? Would you place a hunger in the hearts of your people to know you more, to praise you more, to seek you more, to love you more? We commit this new year of 2012 to you and to your glory. O Lord, be exalted!