Monday, May 25, 2009

2009 May/June

Partners in Prayer,

Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer and intercession. As we return to Poland with interns and short term teams to minister the gospel with our partners in ministry there we ask for your prayer cover to continue and even increase. Our desire is for II Corinthians 4:6 to be the reality for our summer in Poland. It says “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” Later, in his letter to the Philippians, Paul says that believers in Jesus will “shine like stars” in a “crooked and depraved generation” as the “Word of God” is proclaimed. Please pray that the light of Christ will overcome the darkness of the evil one and that it will happen through His people. What a great privilege and opportunity we have to be His lights, revealing His truth to the lost, hurting and dying.

*Please pray for the first three camps in Ostroda.

*Pray for the campers who are believers who have invited their unbelieving friends.

*Pray for the salvation of every soul and an acceptance of Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

*Pray for commitments to be made in faith and baptism.

*Pray as the Holy Spirit leads you.

Date of camp Focus of Camp Short Term Team

May 31-June 10, 2009 Seniors Camp Rockville, IN and Champaign, IL

June 13-22, 2009 Children’s camp for 8-14 year olds Coleraine, Ireland and Michigan

June 27-July 7 English camp for 14-22 year olds ) Mystic, CT

*Pray for traveling mercies in planes, on trains, cars, buses, trams, etc.

*Pray for timely preaching and teaching in these camps and local churches.

Date Church and Pastor

May 31 Ostroda Church (Pavel)

June 7 Kolobrzeg Church (Piotr)

June 14 Olsztyn Church (Marcin)

June 21 Grudziadz Church (Andrzej)

June 28 Gydnia Church (Richard)

Check out the attachments for more prayer needs. Pray for the success of the work project (new bathroom in Cabin #1 in Pic 114). Pray for campers to have open hearts for the things of God (like Christina did last year in Pic 134).

Thanks again for praying for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in all that is done. May God be exalted and glorified.

Z Bogiem,

David and Sandy

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