Monday, August 1, 2011

Go Bananas!!!

When I (David) looked into the eyes of 92 children in a camp near Dubechno, Ukraine, I could see a hunger and thirst for life. I prayed, "God, help us to feed this hunger and quench this thirst." I knew the only remedy was the power and presence of God. Only salvation that comes through Jesus could provide the hope they need and adequately feed this hunger and quench this thirst. I prayed again, "God, what do you want us to do? Teach a lesson or preach a sermon? Sing a song or share our testimony?" God is always surprising me with how He answers our prayers. What we think is the best answer is not always His answer. Our first opportunity to engage with the children in a large group had us singing a silly song with them. It is called, "The Banana Song". It is such a silly song. "Peel banana, peel, peel banana. Cut banana, cut, cut banana. Moosh banana, moosh, moosh banana. Go bananas, go, go bananas." We sang this song with full hand motions and the children loved it. What I realized was the entire team (from Brighton, Michigan, Indiana intern and two Polish translators) had just connected with the campers. God used "a silly song" to build a bridge of communication that lasted for the entire camp. One of the eleven small groups of children even chose "The Banana Song" as their group's theme song (see pic). God used this song to establish relationships with the children but He also allowed us to lead in devotions, lead all the craft activities, share some of our testimonies around the campfire, in small groups and just before bedtime, and teach the children two English worship songs. We led in morning exercises and games and recreation as well but perhaps the most meaningful times spent with the children were those informal times of rollerblading or pushing a swing or jumping on the trampoline. My prayer is that these children will never be the same. My prayer is that they will "Go Bananas" for Jesus and have their hunger forever fed and their thirst forever quenched.

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